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Category: Daily News

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No one wins with war; each life lost represents defeat, pope says

By Parish Admin

ROME (CNS) — As the sun broke through the morning sky after a torrential downpour in Rome, Pope Francis was wheeled past dozens of gravestones that marked the final resting place of members of the military forces who died during and immediately after World War II.  He carried a bouquet of large white roses and…

National Vocation Awareness Week Invites the Faithful to Pray for an Increase in Vocations in the United States

By Parish Admin

WASHINGTON – The Catholic Church in the United States will commemorate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 5-11. Each year, national Catholic organizations, dioceses, schools, and local parish communities sponsor events and provide different resources to raise awareness for vocations, and help those who are discerning a vocation, particularly one to ordained ministry or consecrated life.…