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Category: Daily News

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Pope calls for global cease-fire; says humanity is on brink of abyss

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Today’s wars and conflicts have put humanity on the brink of the abyss, Pope Francis said, calling for a worldwide cease-fire. “I will never tire of reiterating my call, addressed in particular to those who have political responsibility: stop the bombs and missiles now, end hostile stances” everywhere, the pope said…

Blessings are signs of church’s closeness, pope says

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis again insisted that an informal blessing of a gay or other unmarried couple is not a blessing of their union but a sign of the Catholic Church’s closeness to them and its hope that they will grow in faith. “The intent of ‘pastoral and spontaneous blessings’ is to concretely…

Anglican, Catholic bishops travel, pray, work together

By Parish Admin

ROME (CNS) — Acknowledging that many of the bishops present live in situations of poverty and strife, the spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion told Catholic and Anglican bishops that they had a responsibility to work together to preach the Gospel and to bring hope and healing to the world. “We must look outward.…

Love is the only path to Christian unity, pope says

By Parish Admin

ROME (CNS) — Divided Christians will draw closer to one another only by loving God and loving their neighbors, serving one another and not pointing fingers in blame for past faults, Pope Francis said. Closing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with an evening prayer service Jan. 25 at Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul…