100 NE 191 St, Miami, FL 33179

(305) 652-3624

Author: Parish Admin

Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21 Brothers and sisters:Through one man sin entered the world,and through sin, death,and thus death came to all men, inasmuch as all sinned. If by that one person’s transgression the many died,how much more did the grace of Godand the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christoverflow for…

Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Rom 4:20-25 Brothers and sisters:Abraham did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief;rather, he was empowered by faith and gave glory to Godand was fully convinced that what God had promisedhe was also able to do.That is why it was credited to him as righteousness.But it was not for him alone that it was…

Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Rom 4:20-25 Brothers and sisters:Abraham did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief;rather, he was empowered by faith and gave glory to Godand was fully convinced that what God had promisedhe was also able to do.That is why it was credited to him as righteousness.But it was not for him alone that it was…

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Is 45:1, 4-6 Thus says the LORD to his anointed, Cyrus,whose right hand I grasp,subduing nations before him,and making kings run in his service,opening doors before himand leaving the gates unbarred:For the sake of Jacob, my servant,of Israel, my chosen one,I have called you by your name,giving you a title, though you knew…

Obispos de los EE. UU. afirman el avance de la causa de beatificación y canonización de los cinco sacerdotes conocidos como los Mártires de Shreveport

By Parish Admin

ORLANDO, Fla. –Durante la Asamblea Plenaria de primavera, los obispos católicos de los EE. UU. sostuvieron una consulta canónica sobre la causa de beatificación y canonización de los Siervos de Dios Jean Pierre, Isidore Quémerais, Jean Marie Biler, Louis Gergaud, and François LeVézouët, cinco sacerdotes de origen francés que llegaron a Luisiana durante la epidemia…