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Author: Parish Admin

Welcoming a child opens new world of joy, pope tells health workers

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Health care professionals who help expectant mothers have a vocation that is an ode to life, Pope Francis said. And for people of faith, prayer is also “a hidden but effective medicine,” he said, “because it heals the soul.” The pope met a group of obstetricians, gynecologists and other health care…

Warm welcome, hot tickets: Sisters help U.S. visitors see the pope

By Parish Admin

ROME (CNS) — Smiles, laughter, prayer and strategizing abound at the Bishops’ Office for U.S. Visitors to the Vatican. Just a few blocks from Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain, the visitors’ office is where hundreds of Americans — and not only — go on Tuesday afternoons to pick up their tickets for the pope’s weekly general…

Pope: Like Mary, respond to God’s love with action

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christians are called to follow Mary’s example by responding to God’s love with action, reaching out to others instead of withdrawing from the world, Pope Francis said. Reflecting on Mary’s visit to her pregnant cousin Elizabeth after learning that she will bring the Messiah into the world, he said that “this…

Nothing is worth sacrificing the life of a child, pope tells world leaders

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — It is unacceptable that a child’s right to life and a dignified childhood should be sacrificed to “the idols” of power, profit, ideology and nationalistic self-interest, Pope Francis told a group of world experts and leaders. “A childhood denied is a silent scream condemning the wrongness of the economic system, the…

Religious poverty, chastity, obedience are signs of hope, pope says

By Parish Admin

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The way consecrated women and men live their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience can offer light and hope to a world looking for authentic relationships marked by love and self-giving, Pope Francis said. Celebrating vespers Feb. 1, the eve of the feast of the Presentation of the Lord and of…