Welcome to the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a welcoming community of diverse cultures rooted in Christ and rejoicing in the Presence of the Living God.

Parish Fundraiser Concert

VISITATION CATHOLIC PARISH IN MIAMI GARDENS INC.Presents: “We are One in Christ”Fundraising Concert with Paulo Diaz, Anastasiya Naplekova,…
8:00 AM English
10:00 AM English
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Saturdays/Sábados 5:00 PM
Monday/Lunes 8:00 AM
Tuesday/Martes 8:00 AM
Wednesday/Miércoles 8:00 AM
Thursday/Jueves 8:00 AM
Friday/Viernes 8:00 AM
Saturday/Sábado 8:00 AM
Thursday/Jueves 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Saturday/Sábado 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Sunday/Domingo 11:30 AM – 11:55 AM
“Our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.”
(Luke 1:47)

Mission Statement
“Our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.”  (Luke 1:47) We are the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a welcoming community of diverse cultures rooted in Christ and rejoicing in the Presence of the Living God.

In our faith journey and through the Eucharistic celebtration, our commitment to discipleship empowers us to spread the gospel, to live lives of prayer, to aid the poor, to care for the suffering, to respect life, to share God’s love with everyone and to be stewards of God’s creation.

Declaración de Misión de la Iglesia de la Visitación
“Nuestros espíritus se alegran en Dios nuestro Salvador” Lucas 1:47

Somos la Iglesia de la Visitación de la Bienaventurada Virgen María, una comunidad acogedora,  formada por diversas culturas, enraizada en Cristo y  nos alegramos  en la Presencia del Dios vivo.  

En nuestro camino de fe y a través de la Celebración Eucarística, nuestro compromiso en el discipulado nos da fuerza para anunciar el evangelio, vivir una vida de fe, ayudar a los pobres, cuidar de los que sufren, respetar la vida, compartir el amor de Dios con todos y ser administradores de la creación de Dios.


Father, in you loving plan for our eternal salvation, you provide shepherds for your flock, Fill your Church with the spirit of courage, justice, and peace.

Call forth from the Church in Miami worthy ministers of your altars, ardent but gentle shepherds of the gospel.

We pray that those whom you call may never lose awareness of the dignity and need of their vocation.

The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, D.D.

Archbishop of Miami